We’ve been holding Ceremonies at the Ranch since 2016 and over one hundred women have experienced the magic of Tipi. Here are just a few of their remarks…
“The ceremony of letting go and intention setting in the Tipi, with all the other women, has literally shaped every day since then. I have felt a surge of power and hope and positivity.”
“I love the depth that Amanda takes us to in Tipi. Each ceremony is different and every single one feels timely and relevant to what is going on in my life. She is an intuitive healer, whose love for the Earth is contagious.”
“I have never felt like I belonged anywhere. I am a mom of two, and never felt a part of the mom scene, never really had a tribe. Tipi is the first place I have really felt like I belong. And that has been profoundly healing.”
“This sacred space is such a gift in our community. Amanda holds such a deep and sacred container. I did not know where we were in the Moon cycle before I staring coming to Tipi and now my relationship with the moon and the seasons is so much stronger. It is becoming a guiding force in my life. Amanda is a wise, intuitive, gifted, leader who holds beautiful space. The ceremonies and the Tipi have been very powerful for me.”