About Artemis Ranch

Artemis Ranch is named after the Greek Goddess of the Moon, the Wilderness, and Childbirth, and has been created as a sacred gathering space where a deeper connection to the wisdom inherent in the cycles of Nature is possible. In Tipi Ceremony, in community with other women, amidst a Greater Intelligence/Spirit, we are able to connect more deeply to ourselves, our inner guidance, and the natural world of which we belong. We also engage in Ritual, bringing what is intangible into a tangible realm and providing a container to experience deep Presence. Through guided meditation, silence, movement, intentional sharing, drumming, and other modalities,

Depth psychologist and ritualist, Dr. Amanda Coleman, founded Artemis Ranch and facilitates transformational experiences where participants can open to life more fully. It is our deep intention to respectfully honor the many Earth Based traditions and practices as we help to incorporate this ancient wisdom into modern day life
